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Today, notice the weight of your grief. Feel its presence. It's here, and fighting it only makes the burden heavier. Your grief is not a mistake. It's not a sign of weakness. It's the physical manifestation of love that has nowhere else to go. When the weight feels too much, remember - you are not carrying it wrong. You are carrying it exactly as you need to right now.
Let yourself feel the gravity of your loss today. Your body knows how to grieve, just as it knows how to breathe. Trust this process. The heaviness in your chest, the ache in your throat, the tears that come without warning - these are the ways your body honors what matters. Don't judge yourself for feeling this deeply. Your grief is proportional to your love, and both are valid.
Some moments will feel like lead in your bones. Others might bring unexpected lightness. Neither is wrong. Neither needs to be fixed. You are not meant to carry this weight forever in the same way. But for today, let it be what it is. Let yourself be who you are - a human being carrying the sacred weight of loss.
The weight of your grief is real. It's here because something that mattered was lost. Today, just for today, allow yourself to acknowledge this weight without trying to change it. Your only job is to be present with what is, trusting that even this heaviness has its own wisdom, its own timing, its own path to healing.