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Today we practice the challenging art of being present with our reality, exactly as it is. Like walking on unfamiliar terrain, we must learn to navigate this new landscape of life after loss - not as we wish it to be, but as it actually exists beneath our feet.
The present moment can feel like difficult ground when we're grieving. We might find ourselves constantly reaching backward toward what was, or stretching forward toward some imagined time when things might hurt less. Yet our healing happens here, in the sometimes uncomfortable space of what is.
Like a tree that grows around an obstacle, we aren't asked to pretend our circumstances are different than they are. Instead, we're invited to acknowledge our reality while learning to live within it. This means accepting that some days will feel impossible, that certain moments will bring us to our knees, and that this too is part of our path.
There's a particular kind of peace that comes with stopping the fight against our current circumstances. Not a peace that erases our pain, but one that allows us to breathe more easily within it. When we stop expending energy wishing things were different, we can use that energy to support ourselves exactly where we are.
Today, notice the ground beneath your feet. Feel the solidity of the present moment, even in its difficulty. Observe how reality feels when you stop resisting it, when you allow yourself to simply be here with what is.
In this moment, give yourself permission to acknowledge your circumstances without trying to change them. You're learning to walk on new ground, and every step - steady or stumbling - is part of your journey.