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Today we acknowledge the way grief lives not just in our hearts and minds, but in every cell of our being. Our bodies hold the story of our loss in ways we might not always recognize - in tight shoulders, in sleepless nights, in the hollow feeling beneath our ribs, in the heaviness of our limbs.
Like the rings of a tree that tell the story of drought and abundance, our bodies carry the imprint of our grief. Sometimes it shows up as fatigue that no amount of rest seems to cure. Other times it manifests as a churning stomach, a racing heart, or muscles that ache for no apparent reason. These physical expressions of grief are not signs of weakness - they are proof of our deep capacity to love.
Our culture often encourages us to "push through" or "get over" our grief, but our bodies know better. They understand that healing cannot be rushed, that loss needs to be processed not just emotionally but physically. Just as a forest takes time to recover after a storm, our bodies need time to adjust to the landscape of loss.
When we feel these physical manifestations of grief, we can choose to treat them with gentle curiosity rather than resistance. Perhaps the headache is carrying the weight of unshed tears. Maybe the tension in our jaw holds words we haven't been able to speak. Our bodies are trying to tell us something important about our healing journey.
Today, let's honor the wisdom of our bodies. Notice where grief lives in your physical form without trying to change or fix anything. Place a gentle hand where it hurts and acknowledge the pain with tenderness. Your body is not betraying you - it's helping you navigate this profound transition.
In this moment, give yourself permission to listen to your body's story. It knows the path through grief, even when your mind isn't sure of the way.