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Today, release yourself from the burden of grieving "correctly." Your grief is as unique as your relationship with who you've lost. There is no manual, no timeline, no proper sequence of emotions to follow. Notice how your grief moves through you in its own way, like water finding its natural course.
Your grief carries patterns that belong only to you, shaped by your love, your relationship, your story. Some days you might feel it in waves of tears, other days in unexpected laughter at remembered joy. Perhaps your grief is quiet, or maybe it needs to be voiced. Your expression of loss belongs to you alone.
Stop comparing your journey to others'. Your grief might move faster in some areas, slower in others. It might skip certain stages or revisit others repeatedly. This is not wrong - it is yours. Like a fingerprint, no other person's grief will match yours exactly, and that's as it should be.
Today, trust the wisdom of your own grieving heart. Your unique way of grieving is valid. It's not too much, not too little, not too fast, not too slow. It's exactly what it needs to be right now. Give yourself permission to grieve in the way that feels true for your heart, not the way others expect or suggest.